Privacy Policy

1. Purpose and scope of collection:

We collect personal information only as necessary to serve the following purposes:

  • Perform and manage customer orders
  • Perform and manage marketing activities, provide promotional information, and new price offers related to So Spa's products and services.
  • Provide solutions to upgrade and change services to serve customer needs.
  • Manage, analyze, and evaluate data related to customer data to develop appropriate sales and customer service policies.
  • Receive information, comments, suggestions, and complaints from customers to improve the quality of the Platform's services.
  • Contact customers to resolve customer requests.
  • Ensure security and safety for online payment transactions.

2. Scope of information use:

So Spa's website uses the information provided by customers to:

  • Confirm orders and provide services to customers.
  • Send notifications about information exchange activities between customers and So Spa
  • Prevent activities that destroy customers' user accounts or impersonate customers.
  • Contact and resolve with customers in special cases.
  • Do not use customers' personal information for purposes other than confirmation and contact related to transactions at So Spa.
  • In case of legal requirements: So Spa is responsible for cooperating to provide customers' personal information when requested by judicial agencies including: the Procuracy, the court, the police investigation agency related to any violation of the law by the customer. In addition, no one has the right to infringe on customers' personal information.

3. Information storage time

Customer personal data will be stored until there is a request for cancellation or the member logs in and cancels it. In all other cases, member personal information will be kept confidential by So Spa on the company's system.

4. People or organizations that can access information

  • We will provide some information such as: name, address, phone number to the shipping service when using the shipping service.
  • In some cases, we may hire an independent unit to conduct market research projects and then customer information will be provided to this unit to carry out the project. This third party will be bound by a confidentiality agreement under which they are only allowed to use the information provided for the purpose of completing the project.
  • We may disclose or provide personal information of customers in the following cases when it is absolutely necessary:
  • When requested by law enforcement agencies.
  • In cases where we believe that it will help us protect our legitimate rights before the law.
  • Emergency situations and necessary to protect the personal safety rights of members.

5. Address of the unit collecting and managing personal information


Head office: No. 02, Street N1, Son Ky Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


6. Means and tools for users to access and edit their personal data

Customers have the right to check, update, adjust or cancel their personal information by logging into their account and editing personal information or requesting So Spa to do this.

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